
Beaconsfield Golf Club

Beaconsfield Golf Club
Seer Green, Beaconsfield
Bucks, HP9 2UR

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01494 676545

From the captain

Sadly the colder weather finally arrived after a remarkably mild December (the warmest since records began no doubt) where we were able to play ‘proper golf’ on unbelievable greens right up to New Year's Eve. Probably rather fortuitous with all the Bloomfield games that still needed playing! Not only have the greens been exceptional but having played other local courses recently, it was clear that we have far less of a problem with ‘mud-balls’ and waterlogged fairways in comparison. All due to the great work of Lee’s greens team.   

We had a great run-up to Christmas socially as well with both the Christmas lunches a great success because of, rather than despite being downstairs.  As is now the norm, the food and service were excellent but the less formal atmosphere meant everyone was very relaxed (or was it the Rioja) and the carol singing was enjoyed by all with no over-exerted ‘bobbing’ to the 12 Days of Christmas’ necessitating the services of St John’s ambulance!  

Staff Christmas Fund

The club staff have asked me to pass on their sincere thanks for your generosity in contributing to the Christmas Staff fund.  This annual tradition is much appreciated by all the team who work so hard throughout the year on our behalf.  

50 Year Membership

This month, we recognise three members achieving 50 years of membership in January; David Abbott, Roger Connor and Colin Smith so do say congratulations when you next see them.

David Abbott

Both David’s father and grandfather were members of BGC, and he served as Captain 1993/4, probably the youngest Captain ever!  He was also President from 2012-2017 and in his time has won the Bloomfield, the Montrose, the ‘Presidents’ and the Seniors. He also beat a certain Luke Donald in the final of the Secretary’s Putter but he was aged about 6 at the time. Luke not David! His eclectic score over the last 50 years is 42!

Roger Connor

‘The Judge’ started at age 12 at Pinner Hill Golf Club and whilst there, attended Golf Foundation classes with John Jacobs at Sandy Lodge.  Before becoming a member at Beaconsfield he played at Berkhamsted Golf Club.  At Beaconsfield he was Captain in 1985, President 2001 to 2006 and (for 6 months) in 2008.  His lowest handicap - 7. 

Roger had a long career in the judiciary culminating in being a Circuit Judge – at time of retirement, resident judge at The Crown Court at Aylesbury.  He is Married to Sandra (Ladies’ Captain 2003) and has two sons and three grandchildren.

Colin Smith

Colin moved from Cheam, Surrey to Gerrards Cross in September 1974 having been a member of Kingswood Golf Club.  His lowest handicap was 9.5 and he lost two finals of the Bloomfield Cup!

Colin was Captain in 1984 and until a few years ago was also a member of Saunton and Royal North Devon Golf Clubs.  The reason for joining the latter was to obtain a concession to Royal Sydney.  On one occasion he handed over his introduction and the elderly assistant said “Beaconsfield mate, I was married in Beaconsfield and divorced in Sydney.”!

Colin has a son in Sydney and two grandsons but no golfers.

Membership Update

The playing-in and interview process continues apace and we have now completed 69 applications of which 66 have been interviewed. There are 33 on the ‘Waiting List’ currently with 25 applicants awaiting Board approval before also going on the list to make it 58.

One of the feedbacks from this long process is that despite some of the applicants having to wait up to 4 years they have all been very positive and accepting of this situation.  As our annual surplus is approximately equal to the entrance fees we collect annually this is very reassuring for the future financial strength of the club and supports the decision we made to run the process for as many as we can despite the workload.

John Gough

One piece of great news I’m delighted to share, is that England Walker Cup star John Gough continues his relationship with Beaconsfield as an attached professional. Subject to a busy schedule on the Challenge Tour, John will be supporting Tom with the Juniors and has offered to do a Q&A session on what it’s like playing on tour. He’s a very entertaining guy so I think that will be well worth attending.

100⛳️fore £100k in a day

Planning for this very significant Charity Event for Breast Cancer Now and Prostate Cancer UK on 23 June is at full speed but I will cover it via a direct email to all members to explain how you can help as many have kindly asked and amazingly, not everyone reads the Niblick!

Happy Golfing,

David Booker

Captain's Charity for 2024/2025

From the Ladies Captain

The ladies enjoyed 2 special events at the end of 2024.

Ruth Mastenbroek hosted a ‘perfume’ evening where she told us how a perfume is created. We then had a chance to try out her lovely range of perfumes.

Carol Isaac taught us how to make bead necklaces in December. This proved very popular and there have been requests for a repeat workshop.

The Christmas Ladies lunch was held downstairs for the first time. We have to thank the catering staff for a delicious lunch served in record time. Jeremy and his staff were kept busy too. Gill Thomas played the piano for the carol singing and produced drums for an enthusiastic little band to play along with her.

On the golf side Ruth Lambert and Shannon Holt are through to the quarter finals of the County Winter Greensomes.  The BCLGA Winter Scratch League team of Carole Weir, Irene Brien, Emily and Beth Gilmour, Christine Tyler and Kiran Grewal had an excellent away result on Sunday.

Ros Johnstone

Ladies' Captain's Charity for 2024/2025

Mixed Golf

Hopefully many members will have seen the recent e mails giving detail of the formation of a mixed golf committee, the calendar of mixed events and how to participate in any of these. We will now have a Mixed Golf section in each edition of The Niblick. This will provide updates and insights including reminders about upcoming events and results of matches and other mixed events. Mixed matches are now available for sign up on the website with the first match to be played away to Berkhamsted in mid March. Planning has commenced for the Mixed Invitation to be held on Saturday 23 August.

Finally a reminder that the mixed committee consists of the following people any of whom can be contacted if you have a mixed golf related matter to raise or discuss:

  • Simon Mouncer
  • Dawn Muir
  • Dave Garmon-Jones
  • Debbie Parrish
  • Paul Parrish
  • Russell Francis
  • Penny Grocott-Mason

Simon Mouncer  on behalf of the Mixed Golf Committee

Safe Golf

The most important thing, I believe, when we come along to play at our fantastic club is that we should feel safe and at ease at all times. You may be aware that through BGC's affiliation with Golf England the club is designated as a 'Safe Golf club'. In effect this means the club has all the necessary policies and procedures in place to meet Golf England's expected standards in this area. 

If you wish to find out more about Safe Golf and view the details  of the policies relating to it you will find everything under the management tab on the club website.

Patrick McAteer

Safeguarding Officer 

Practice Range Update

Progress on the project has been slow, with only the clearance of the old facility completed so far. We had been awaiting a visit from the structural engineer and architect to confirm the foundations. This visit took place on Monday January 27 and the designs and drawings were promptly finalised. The contractors plan to begin pouring concrete for the base in the first week of February, marking the official start of the project.

Stuart Langhorn

General Manager

Project Du Pre

The Project has been on hold following the Fire Officer’s feedback that following changes in fire regulations, the upstairs dining only has sufficient fire exits to allow a maximum of 60 people on the first floor at any one time and it is imperative we can resolve this impasse and get the hospitality capacity back up to c.100.

After considerable delays over the Christmas period, we have finally been able to get both the Fire Engineer and our Architect together to undertake a final and full review of all potential ways of creating an additional compliant fire exit.  After considering the feasibility of all the possible options, it is clear that there is only one potential new exit that will meet the combined requirements of regulation, heritage planning, costs and practicality.

In addition to creating a new fire exit for the dining area, we were also advised that we need to significantly improve the fire egress from the flat to ensure that the occupants can exit the building quickly and safely through the Clubhouse. This necessitated creating a safe passage from the flat to the stairs which has knock on implications to the original designs, but that provides a future proof fire solution.

These changes have now been incorporated into a latest design and are being reviewed and costed to produce a new project forecast. We anticipate this being completed over the next month or so which will then enable us to revise the timeline and start the final design and tendering processes.

Richard Cottrell

Chairman of House

Course Update and Rainfall

Our team is currently focused on the final clean-up of leaves and fallen trees throughout the course. The steps at the back of the 7th green have been rebuilt, and non-slip strips are now awaiting installation before opening. The next set of steps on our agenda is the 17th pit.

Repairs to the perimeter fencing at the maintenance facility are ongoing after several trees fell during Storm Darragh, damaging 30 meters of the palisade fence. A section of the palisade fence at the rear of the 10th green has been removed at the landowners' request.

Following a lengthy cold snap, we are mowing and fertilising the closely mown surfaces to enhance turf health and applying fungicide to the greens to prevent any diseases.

As we move into February, renovation work will begin, including aerating, removing organic matter, top dressing, and overseeding as we prepare for the start of the golfing season.

Bunker topping will also commence, with new sand being added to the traps, and this work will continue through April.

Additionally, three members of our team have recently completed their chainsaw exams and are now putting their skills to use.

I was recently asked why greens are sometimes removed from play due to frost, while on other occasions they are not. Here’s a clarification:

  • Leaf Frost - Greens are in play.
  • Ground Frost - Greens are in play.
  • Part frozen, part thawed ground – Greens closed.

When the ground is soft on top but frozen underneath, walking on this unstable surface can damage the grass by breaking the roots.

I hope this helps explain the situation!

Lee March

Course Manager

(Click on the image to view in full screen)

Chris' Corner

As we know, the new year brings new clubs! We have just taken delivery of the NEW Taylormade Qi35 woods, PING G440 Woods and irons, and the Callaway ELYTE Woods and irons. These are all available for custom fitting, these have all received brilliant reviews so far, Tom has hit the PING G440 and says it is a very good driver, and expects it to be a popular one on tour this year. He will be doing a short review on each that will be available for members soon. In the meantime, if you would like to get fit for some new gear this winter then please let us know and you can get booked in for a fitting with us.

The January SALE has begun, with plenty of Putters, a few remaining demo woods, and lots of clothing, shoes and bags available at a great price! Swing by the shop to elevate your game now! 

We also would like to remind members that their clubs should be subject to a regrip each season, it is surprising how many players have never had their clubs regripped! Come into the shop for some advice on grips, as you may not have the best ones for you!

Winter means some poor weather, but the weather is never bad in our swing studio, which is available for lessons all week and for you to book out with a friend or 2. Speak to us in the shop for more info regarding booking the studio!

Chris, Adam and Tom

Tom's Top Tips  

In the Bag...General play scores, Temporary Greens & Winter Rules

General Play Scores

The use of General Play scores is becoming more popular as these allow everyone to submit scores for their handicap outside of competition.  Especially if you are unable to play in competitions, general play scores are a great opportunity to submit scores for handicap.

Everyone is encouraged to submit scores for handicap on a regular basis as this is the best way to make sure that your handicap index reflects your current playing ability as accurately as possible.

The following table shows the number of acceptable scores for handicap submitted by BGC members during 2024.

However, please can everyone remember the basic rules about general play scores:

  • You CANNOT submit a general play score when playing in any sort of organised competition – if the competition is acceptable for handicap then your competition score will be submitted for handicap and if the competition is not acceptable for handicap then it is not acceptable for a general play score
  • You MUST register your intent to submit a general play score BEFORE teeing off on the first hole
  • You MUST play according to the Rules of Golf – no gimmes, maximum of 2 temporary greens, and if the temporary greens have ‘bucket’ holes then there cannot be ANY temporary greens
  • You MUST be accompanied by your marker who will verify your scores

Temporary Greens

A reminder to everyone that when a temporary green is in play on a hole, the main green is now a WRONG GREEN and you MUST take a drop if either the ball, your stance or area of swing is on the wrong green.

Winter Rules

We have a temporary local rule for the winter at Beaconsfield allowing relief from tractor ruts.  This is intended to give relief where the ground has been visibly damaged by tractors or machinery and is NOT a get out when you have a slightly muddy lie in the rough.

There is a big advantage to staying on the fairway in the winter as you get a preferred lie, so can clean your ball and choose a nice lie when you replace the ball.  Unfortunately as soon as you get into the rough, your lie can be a lot worse and you ball can be covered in mud.

Our temporary local rule says:

“In the general area, tractor ruts and damage caused by heavy equipment are Ground Under Repair (GUR), even if not so marked with white lines.  The player may take relief under Rule 16-1b”

A tractor rut or damage by heavy machinery is an area where there is a significant indentation in the ground made by a tyre or machine.  You do not get relief from a slight tyre mark, an area with lots of muddy footprints or a generally muddy area where buggies have been driven – all of these are just a ‘normal’ bad lie and there is no free relief available.

If you think you may be able to get free relief from a tractor rut, you should check with your playing companions, BEFORE you lift the ball, to make sure they agree that you are entitled to a free drop.

Janet Beal

Trophy Roll Of Honour

Click here to see all the Winners for the Trophy Competitions

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