
Beaconsfield Golf Club

Beaconsfield Golf Club
Seer Green, Beaconsfield
Bucks, HP9 2UR

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01494 676545

January 2024

From the Captain

The UK winter is still creating challenges for the Greens team, most notably with the loss of 2 large trees on the 10th and 15th holes. The good news is that members’ fire wood stocks will receive a welcome boost!   

Bothered?…..yes I’m actually writing this whilst experiencing, purely for comparative research purposes you understand, the golf delights that Sandy Lane & Royal Westmoreland have to offer. Some might therefore accuse me of not being unduly concerned by the -6 c temperatures in what is now the UK deep mid- winter…….and they’d have a point. 


3rd HOLE ROYAL WESTMORELAND - The first par 3 of a set described by local resident            Ian Woosnam as the best set of par 3’ he’s ever played.

However, with little serious mens golf of note being played at home (the Saturday roll up notwithstanding) attention has turned to warmer climes. A members group recently enjoyed their annual sojourn to South Africa…..where Leopards Creek does indeed look spectacular.   

15th TEE LEOPARDS CREEK  Photo Courtesy of Mike Sanders

Meanwhile in Lake Nona, Gemma Dryburgh got her LPGA season off to a flying start with a top 10 finish in the Tournament of Champions, under the uncharacteristically cool Florida sunshine.

Closer to home, congratulations to Piran Gowen, who on 3rd January showed outstanding fathering skills when he not only secured a ‘hole in one’ on the 7th, but did so whilst playing with his son Avery (a junior member)….so setting a fine example for golf Dads’ everywhere. 

The forthcoming members meetings, on 6th & 13th February, to share the exciting plans for the clubhouse and driving range, have proved very popular indeed.  With a limit on attendee numbers, all the seats were snapped up faster than a Taylor Swift ‘The Eras’ tour ticket. To avoid an unseemly eBay black market scrum for tickets, The Board are looking at extra tour dates and/or remote access options.  

The club staff have asked me to pass on their sincere thanks for your generosity in contributing to the Christmas Staff Fund. This annual tradition is much appreciated by all the team, who work hard throughout the year on our behalf.

Finally, the Captains injury curse has struck once again but this time the Vice Captain Dave Booker has wisely arranged to injure his shoulder a year early.  Dave is adamant that he’s not yet reached the age where he’s ‘having falls’ but merely “tripped” and will hopefully be back on the course by the Spring.

Michael Lawson

Captain's Charity for 2023/2024

From the Ladies Captain

Firstly, a big thank you to all the ladies who have ditched their trolleys in favour of carrying their clubs to help protect the course. Congratulations to Alison Baker, who won the first 10-hole qualifying competition of the year. Alison beat Joy Johnson on count back both with 18 points. Twenty-Four ladies entered the competition in freezing conditions on icy greens, so well done to all who entered.

The Winter Scratch team continue to go from strength to strength, winning their latest matches.  They won their away match on 7th January against Lambourne, 3-0, and on a very frosty morning, they won away to Denham on Saturday 27th, again 3-0.

Thank you to Ella Butteriss, Lorraine Whillans, Carole Weir, Christine Tyler and Di Bovey, Thilanya, Rajapaksha who secured the victories.

Braving the cold January weather, Irene Brien,  Ella Butteriss,  Carole Weir,  Thilanya Rajapaksha, Julie Cooper,  Lorraine Whillans,  Christine Tyler

Sue Goodliffe

Ladies' Captain's Charity for 2023/2024

A Note From The Treasurer

We have decided to transition away from accepting cash at the bar. The primary reason for the change is security and in particular, the safety of our staff. With recent bank closures, it has become increasingly difficult to deposit cash. We have therefore had instances where our staff have been required to travel not insignificant distances with several thousand pounds of cash which obviously puts our staff at risk. It is also the case that handling cash increases our banking costs as well as creating additional administration time and therefore cost for the office.

The change will be introduced from 1 April as we start our new financial year.

Pete Muir


In The Golf Bag..... General Play Scores

When WHS was introduced in November 2020, we were encouraged to use General Play scores to keep our handicaps up to date with our current playing ability.  Given that WHS works on an average of the best 8 scores from your last 20 rounds, if some of these rounds are several years old it is quite possible that your handicap is not really very indicative of your current ability.  If you only submit scores for handicap in summer, your handicap will be based on summer conditions, whereas those who submit scores all year round may have a more realistic handicap.

The easiest way to submit a General Play score at any courses in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales is by using the England Golf  MyEG App.  Instructions on how to use the MyEG App and a link to download the App are on the England Golf web site at

However, there are various rules on the submission of General Play scores:

  • Scores MUST be pre-registered on the app  before you start your round
  • Scores MUST be in an acceptable format of golf – which in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales is singles
  • You must have a marker to verify your scores
  • You must play under the Rules of Golf – no gimmes, no bucket holes
  • You must use tees with a WHS rating for your gender, using tees that are not more than 100 yards shorter than the tee markers over an 18 hole course and with no more than 2 temporary greens

If you are using the MyEG App to submit a score, your marker must also have the MyEG App to verify your score.  In this case, no scorecard needs to be submitted as all the verification is done electronically.

If you are submitting a General Play score from outside England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, then the BGC office can enter your score using a signed and verified scorecard.

If you register for a General Play score using the MyEG App and then fail to submit your score, you will get a message reminding you to submit the score.  If you do not submit the score after the reminder, you will be given an automatic penalty score.  If there is an acceptable reason why you registered, but then did not complete the score, please contact the office who are able to remove the penalty score.

Please be aware of your responsibilities when submitting General Play scores – you are expected to follow the rules of golf and the rules of handicapping, complete your round and attempt to make the best score possible.

The BGC handicap committee are able to review General Play scores to check for the following:

  • scores where the registration time means it is unlikely the round was pre-registered
  • scores that may contravene the rules on submission of General Play scores
  • players that have a number of penalty scores on their record
  • players whose average general play scores are significantly different to their average competition scores   

Janet Beal

Course Update & Rainfall 

The recent cold snap and firmer ground conditions has enabled the team to push on with the winter programme. The newly constructed rubber crumbed path between the 16th green and 17th tees has been top soiled and turfed ready for opening in the spring once the grass has rooted. The newly reshaped surround on the 11th is currently being cut and rolled at 1 inch and looks to be bedding in nicely. The greenside bunker has been topped with fresh sand and is now much more visible from the tee, as Colt originally intended with a larger approach planned to be cut in the spring. The new ‘driving’ bunker on the left of the 3rd hole required some additional drainage to its surrounds which was successfully installed during the frosts and will open in February, weather permitting. The hard standing area around the 11th hut has been landscaped, removing the old sleepers and softening the banks. The standing area and the turf will now be of a similar level on the lower side to allow golfers to walk on and off at any point oppose to a single entry path.  A new oak wood edge has been installed to retain the stone with the number of sleepers being reduced by 80% from the previous design.

Tree works are ongoing around the course, including removing dead and diseased trees and pruning overhanging branches. The storms continue to add to the workload, with the most recent taking down a large 60ft beech tree on the 10th carry. This tree will take approximately 7-10 days to clear with all of the logged wood being taken to the artisan’s carpark.  

Over the next 2 months the team will renovate the greens, tees and approaches. The surfaces will be spiked to encourage drainage and deeper rooting, hollow cored and sanded to promote surface firmness and over seeded to repair any winter damage. In total this is 40,000m2 of turf that all requires dry weather to complete. To do this as in previous years we will keep a close eye on the forecast and will carry out the works as and when the conditions allow. This will be communicated daily.  

Despite one of wettest years on record the course looks to have come through the bulk of the wet weather in great condition. Thank you for adhering to all of the restrictions and for carrying your bags when required. It has made a big difference.

(Click on the image to view in full screen)

Stuart Langhorn

Course Director

Project Du Pré

For those that have been to the Club this week, you will see that the work on the new terrace has just started and weather allowing, the construction work should be finished within 2/3 weeks, and we can start using the doors to the Clubhouse again. Following the construction work, new furniture has been ordered, ready for Spring.  

We are excited to see the terrace completed and apologies for the inconvenience whilst the work takes place.  

With regard the Du Pre project, we are holding two Member presentations planned for the evenings of February 6th and 13th

At these meetings, the Board will present their recommendations for the Clubhouse Redevelopment, the Practice Range Redevelopment and the relevant cost and funding proposals. It will be a great opportunity for Members to see the proposals and to be able to ask questions.  

It’s great to see the level of Member interest as both evenings are already fully booked so, we will also be providing a Zoom dial in for those people who are unable to make either of the evenings. In addition, the presentation will be recorded and subsequently made available on the website with all the relevant information.  

These are very exciting and important developments for the Club and we look forward to sharing them with the Members for consideration.

Richard Cottrell

Chairman of House Committee

Social Events

Events currently open to keep you entertained on these dark Winter evenings are:  

Bingo night – Friday 2 February 2024 – We are nearly full for this fun evening. Tickets are £15 each for 12 games with prizes for the winners. Please book your tickets through the diary online asap to avoid disappointment.  

We are holding a 60s, 70s & 80s Dinner Dance on Friday 16 February 2024 – Come along and enjoy a delicious 3 course meal followed by an evening of dancing to the tunes of the Barry Owen Band.  Tickets are £49.50pp and include a glass of Prosecco on arrival.  Book online through the diary asap to secure your tickets.  

The 2024 Quiz Night – Saturday 9 March 2024 – entry is nearly full for the Quiz Night, we are operating a reserve list so please sign up asap if you would like to book or join a table.  

Future events scheduled for your diary are:

Saturday 13 July 2024 - Summer Sizzler –- We’re planning a hog roast and steel band to follow for all the family to join in the festivities so even if you aren’t planning on playing, please consider joining us afterwards.

25 October 2024 - A gourmet 5-7 course dinner and wine tasting evening

16 November 2024 - Night Golf

30 November 2024 – Turkey Trot   

The Social Committee

Chris' Corner

Happy New Year, I hope it is a healthy one for you all!

Firstly I would like to announce we now have our annual January sale! This will be going throughout February too. We have plenty of mens and ladies clubs, iron sets and clothing and shoes available, as well as a couple of bags as shown below. It is 50% off selected items.

Swing by next time you're up to refresh either the wardrobe or the weapons!  

With the new year dawning, new equipment arrives! Taylormade have announced their NEW Qi10 Series, with 2 wins in Dubai from Tommy Fleetwood and now Rory Mcilroy already this year it seems as if they are a suitable replacement for last year's stealth 2 series!

The Qi10 woods and irons are now available for custom fitting and will be shipping at the beginning of Feb. We are holding a pop up fitting event with Taylormade on the 19th MARCH from 11-3pm, slots are 45 minutes, email us to get booked in and confirm your slot. 

This is now a great time to get yourself in shape for the new season, we have availability for lessons for those of you who would like to get going!

Chris, Adam and Tom

Clubhouse News

I am pleased to report that the Catering Consultant we engaged has finished his first few working days with the team and together, they are making great progress in both identifying the areas we need to improve and developing an exciting F&B offer for the Spring onwards. More on this to come over the next few months!

Richard Cottrell

Chairman of the House Committee

Tom's Top Tips

Safe Golf

Whether a member, an employee or, indeed, a visitor to our wonderful golf club everyone has the right to feel safe and comfortable both on the course and in and around the clubhouse.

As part of the club's accreditation with Golf England we are required to abide by certain processes and ensure all relevant policies are reviewed and are up to date. If you have any concerns or would like to find out more about being a 'Safe Golf' club you will find more information on the club website under the management tab.

Pat McAteer

Welfare Officer

Trophy Roll Of Honour

Click here to see all the Winners for the Trophy Competitions

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